Join Explore Fairbanks

The success of Explore Fairbanks depends on cooperative marketing and close collaboration with a core group of local industrious tourism and tourism-related business associates and partners. Joining Explore Fairbanks provides you and your business with a wealth of marketing and networking opportunities.

Associates and partners both benefit from:

  • A website listing on ExploreFairbanks.com (features vary by level, see chart below).
  • Networking and educational occasions with tourism and community professionals.
  • Opportunities to host tours for tour operators, travel agents, meeting planners and media.
  • Receiving Explore Fairbanks enewsletters.
  • An Explore Fairbanks window cling to place in your business.
  • Participation on standing committees including Tourism and Meeting Sales; Visitor and Community Engagement; and Communications.

Additional benefits of joining Explore Fairbanks as a partner include, but are not limited to:

  • Brochure distribution at the Morris Thompson Cultural & Visitors Center and additional opportunities at the Fairbanks International Airport and Fairbanks Alaska Railroad Depot as well as at information booths at conventions.
  • Inclusion in the annual Official Fairbanks Visitors Guide as well as the opportunity to purchase additional listings or display advertising in the Visitors Guide.
  • Cooperative sales and marketing opportunities such as domestic and international trade shows, sales missions and advertising.
  • Opportunities to purchase advertising on ExploreFairbanks.com.
  • Opportunities for exposure in the Fairbanks Winter Guide, Meeting Planner Guide, foreign language marketing materials and other publications targeted to specific tourism and meetings market sectors.
  • Be a voting member of the organization and participate on the Explore Fairbanks Board of Directors.

Associate & Partner ChartClick chart to view in full screen.


Ready to Join?

Select the button below for your desired level of partnership.

Associate Button

Partner Button


If you have questions, please contact one of the following:

Charity Gadapee, Director of Visitor and Community Engagement, (907) 459-3758, cgadapee@explorefairbanks.com

Juanita Webb, Manager of Community Engagement, (907) 459-3791, jwebb@explorefairbanks.com